Wednesday 5 January 2011

Final Product: 'The Enemy'


Directors Commentary

 As well as our final product, we also edited our film and added in a directors commentary to discuss hidden messages within our film that may not be immediately clear to the audience. During our commentary we speak about why we used certain shots, angles and editing techniques and what they represent in our film. For example, we speak about the way taht the majority of teh shot of 'Shell' are from a high angle, and this is to make Michelle look more vulnerable. This suits the storyline as Michelle is persuaded to do the 'Ouija Board'.
In addition to this, when showing the actors name in our opening, we edited it to make sure that they are parallel and in time with the beat of the music. This is to make the opening appear more professional.
We have also used a panning shot at the beginning of the clip to fully introduce the setting and to build up a suspense, it is a slow panning to allow the audience to get a full view of certain aspects of the location, for example, important things such as the red hand prints across the wall.
During the commentary we also speak about the lighting that is used in the shed, the shed is blacked out and only candles are used. We used limited lighting to foreshadow the limited hope for the characters.

Looking Back At Your Preliminary Task..

Looking back at your Preliminary Task what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Click on highlighted words for definitions

Looking back at my preliminary task i feel that i have learnt a lot and made big improvements in many aspects of the complete project. I think that i have developed many skills and improved on certain techniques that we used. I feel that my knowledge of the subject has increased massively both practically and also theoretically. I feel that I have learnt a lot about different theories and that i am able to put these theories into practice and into my planning and my final project. 

When planning our preliminary task, what is was going to be about, setting, and when we would film it i think that it was very unorganized and we struggled to come up with an appropriate and simple storyline. In addition to this, my preliminary task didn't have a real and suitable genre. As well as this we wasn't sure on any of the shots or angles we were going to use and therefore we wasn't able to create a realistic storyboard of what we would like to follow. 
I think that I have learnt a lot during the planning progress as we spent a lot of time doing research on what shots and angles would be used in a horror opening sequence. Therefore this also helped us to create a realistic storyboard that we were able to follow to make the filming process quicker and more efficient.
Storyboard for our Final Product
As well as this i also researched narrative structures that can be used in horror films. For example the classical three act structure. Therefore we chose to use this within our film, by introducing the main characters during the opening.

As well as this we were also well organised and planned as shared out jobs and group roles and therefore were able to work at many things at once. For example, Josh was responsible for completing The Script, I was responsible for putting together all of our original ideas and Sam was responsible for creating our original opening of which we were going to use.
I also think that i have improved my knowledge alot when having to consider the target audience for my film. I was able to think about the appropriate audience for my film and how it would have to be advertised using theories from different theorists such as Stuart Hall and Richard Coe
Another way in which I feel I have developed my knowledge since my preliminary task is that i have realised how important the mise-en-scene, characters, location etc. are when filming and when targetting a specific audience. During my preliminary task the setting had no relevance to the storyline, and if anything, a school classroom was an unrealistic place to film a couple arguing. However, in our final product, we thought alot about how important the location would need to be to assure that it fully portrayed the genre of our film.